2019 Dive Training Grant winners

I have always liked nature and being outside. I love to swim. I have been snorkeling and I have even seen an eel underwater. I would love to be able to see more underwater. Last year I tried a discover scuba pool dive and my mom could barely get me out of the pool. I stayed in half the afternoon.
I have wanted to get certified in scuba diving for a long time now. There are so many reasons that make the idea of scuba diving really amazing. Being able to get certified in scuba diving would be the start of a big adventure.

What causes would you be willing to contribute your voice too as a diver – through ocean advocacy, marine conservation, or educating others?

I would be willing to contribute my voice to a number of causes. I love the ocean and I think it’s important that we keep our oceans clean and the animals of the ocean safe.
I think it’s important to protect all of the animals in the ocean because it’s part of our world and it affects our future. I love animals and I would work to help them any way that I could. I think educating people about the products they use and how it affects the animals that live in the ocean could really help because I don’t think anyone intentionally hurts animals. If everyone knew how what they did affect the oceans they would probably try harder to help save the animals.
I also would like to volunteer to help keep the oceans clean. I participated in a beach clean up and it was really fun and when it was over I felt good because I had done something nice for the environment. I am in the 5th grade and in the student council and we talk about pollution and the environment and how important it is to keep our world a clean and wonderful place. If I got certified in scuba diving I would volunteer in some of the activities offered to divers to help keep our oceans clean. I know these volunteer activities exist because I have seen them at the scuba show.
In conclusion, I love to volunteer and would love to use my time helping to keep the animals safe and the oceans clean and I think educating others and participating in some of the volunteer activities that I have seen at the scuba show would be a great start. $500 Grant

Christian Pennell
Age 14

What or who inspired you to want to become a diver?

My stepdad has inspired me to be a diver. My stepdad always goes to these beautiful dive locations and gets to explore whats under the water, like all the cool animals and all the cool wrecks of sunken ships or historical airplanes. Its pretty cool to see that up close and I was inspired and fascinated by all the cool sights.

What causes would you be willing to contribute your voice too as a diver – through ocean advocacy, marine conservation, or educating others?

I would be willing to speak out on pollution in our oceans and how it can have long term effects not just on humans but our marine life too. With our oceans littered with our trash, it’s hard for the sea animals to live and thrive because our trash is causing the temperature of our oceans to rise and with that rising temperature the coral reefs are beginning to die out. As you see trash can have a very long chain of reactions on humans and all of the sea animals. $500 Grant

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