Become an Ocean Wishes Sponsor

Become the wish for the ocean yourself.

Being a sponsor is a big deal. If you are committed to making a difference in the lives of children and our ocean. If you want to foster awareness and concern for the Earth’s marine environments and are interested in becoming an Ocean Wishes sponsor, please get in touch with us, at 1.803.419.2556 or email us at

We need your help! Changing the world and saving the planet takes a community of like-minded people committed to finding solutions to our ever-changing world. Global warming is real, with over 80% of the world’s oceans experiencing marine heatwaves. The Arctic sea ice in October was the lowest on record — and now refreezing has been the slowest in history.*

We’re looking for volunteers for Ocean Wishes clean-up projects, marine biologists who will donate their time to educate children and adults, and dedicated group dive adventures. We are looking for donors to fund large coral projects to do long-term research on finding solutions to restoring the coral reefs. We are looking for educators to work with the local island community to educate and find solutions to help create an enduring environment for generations.

We are looking for lobbyists and politicians willing to give the planet a stable and sustainable voice to enact real change globally, working with local, federal, and foreign governments. We need to shift the mindset of the planet.

Write to us for ideas on how to grow our donations:

Attn: Tom Peyton, Ocean Wishes, 209 Fallen Oak Dr, Columbia Sc29229

Give us a call, International & Local: (803) 419.2823